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Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

All About Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelagic country with a vast territorial waters and tropical climate. Has the exotic sights and fascinating to biodiversity such as flora and fauna are amazing. The five largest islands of Indonesia have like Kalimantan, Sumatra, Papua, Java, and Sulawesi as well as other small islands such as Bali, Karimun Java, Madura, Thousand Island, Halmahera, Rote Island, etc. Indonesia passed by lines that are still active volcanoes, particularly Sumatra and Java. Indonesia is famous for its hospitality, as well as with various islands that are owned, diverse culture also in Indonesia. With 33 provinces, Indonesia's diverse culture in terms of traditional clothes, traditional foods, traditional house, traditional weapons, historic sites, traditional musical instruments, traditional language, etc.

This is Indonesia. Where we lived. Indonesia, which we are proud. Indonesia with a red symbol like the blood that flows in our body, and white for our bones. Culture is owned by the original ancestors of the Indonesian nation, not a culture that plagiarized from other nations. We are proud to be children of Indonesia.