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Rabu, 06 April 2011


North Sulawesi Province is located at the tip of the island of Sulawesi, and borders the Philippine state in the north. The capital of North Sulawesi is Manado.
The majority of the population comes from the city of Manado Minahasa tribe, as the region of Manado is located at ground / Minahasa region. Manado is a native tribe Bantik although Manado (Wenang).
Everyday language used is BahasaMelayu Manado (Manado Language). Some words in Manado dialect derived from Dutch, Portuguese and other foreign languages.

Manado Porridge

In the Minahasa region there is special food that is rarely found in other areas in Indonesia, such as rintekwuuk(usually calledRW) or dog meat, snake meat and paniki(meat bat). Other typical foods like fufuwokublanga and skip jack tuna are of ten found in coastal areas.
As the largest city in the region, Manado is an important tourist spot for visitors. Eco tourism is the biggest attraction of Manado. Scubadiving snorkelling on the island of Bunaken is also a popular attraction. Another interesting place is LakeTondano, Mount Lokon, Mount Water Quality and Mount Mahawu. new icon is the city of Manado Monument bless. The building is situate dont he hillin the housing Citraland Manado and hasa height of 50meters above ground level. Building initiated by Ir. Ciputra is amonument of JesusChrist of the highest in Asia and second in the world after Christ the Redeemer.

Traditional musicfrom thec ity of Manado and the surrounding  are as known as music Kolintang.Kolintang musical instrument made​​ from a number of wood of different length so as to produce different tones.

Dance Maengket
Is  a traditional dance, cultural arts Minahasa-NorthSulawesi of Latter-dayold  time still today continues to be developed. Dance Maengket exist in ground  Minahasa Minahasa since people know agriculture. Dance Maengket done at the time were harvesting crops with simple movements. Now dance Maengket has grown particularly the shape and dance without leaving their authenticity.
Dance Maengket consists of 3 rounds, namely: Maowey Kamberu, Marambak, Lalayaan.

Maowey Kamberu is a dance that was delivered on special thanksgiving to God the Almighty, in which agricultural products especially rice plants multiply / lot.
Marambak is dancing with a spirit of cooperativeness, the people of Minahasa Auxiliary helps make a new home. Finished houses are built then the party held up a new home or in the local language called "rumambak" or test the strength of a new house and invited all the village community in thanksgiving.
Lalayaan is a dance that symbolizes how the youth of Minahasa in the past will find their soul mate. This dance is also called the youth social dance time immemorial in Minahasa

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